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When, Not If

Jan 7, 2024    Pastor Karl Payne

This Sunday we had the pleasure of hearing from Pastor Karl Payne who reminded us that when you have accepted Jesus, you are guaranteed a seat in heaven. Get your Bibles out and pens ready to take notes, this message will encourage you today! 

Pastor Herb Hartso III, head pastor of Antioch Bible Church

invites you to join us in person. You belong here.


Recording Outline:

I. Greetings | Start

II. Message | 5:00

III. Closing Statement | 41:00

Life Group Questions:

1. Is it Scripturally accurate to say that eternal salvation with God is dependent upon a saving relationship with Jesus Christ, obtainable only as: a free gift apart from works; given by grace alone; through faith alone; in Jesus Christ alone, regardless of how I feel about the subject? Where does Scripture answer these questions?

2. Is it Scripturally accurate to say that Christians can and should “know” they have eternal life through believing in Jesus Christ now, present tense, or must they wait until God judges them as believers or unbelievers, future tense? Where does Scripture answer this question?

3. Why do so many professing Christians struggle with fear, worry and anxiety concerning both of these questions? Professing Christians who are controlled daily by fear, worry and anxiety insult God and represent a life wrapped around the inefficient and ineffective expenditure of energy and time, whether they consider their feelings and emotions sincere or a natural reaction to circumstances.