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The Bronze Serpent

Nov 26, 2023    Pastor Herb Hartso III

This Sunday officially kicked off our first part of the new series entitled The Chosen. The approach was different and exciting for the entire congregation. We had the pleasure of watching an episode of The Chosen and then hearing the Sermon about it by our own Senior Pastor, Herb Hartso |||. Get your Bibles out and pens ready to take notes, this message will encourage you today! 

Pastor Herb Hartso III, head pastor of Antioch Bible Church

invites you to join us in person. You belong here.


Recording Outline:

I. Chosen Disclaimer + Scripture Reading | Start

II. Invitation of Where to Find the Episode | 9:50

III. Sermon | 10:10

|V. Closing Statement and Prayer | 30:00

Life Group Questions

1. What was your favorite part of the Chosen episode?

2. What was your biggest take-away from the sermon?

3. Who would you like to invite to church next Sunday?