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Raymond & Ruby Mensah

Antioch Bible Church, Tema Tema, Ghana - Africa

The Mission

As a church, we exist to honor God by reaching out to people of all cultures, from different backgrounds and of varying abilities with the gospel of Jesus Christ; first in Ghana and as the Lord leads - throughout the world.

The vision

To reach the deaf community and their families with the message and love of Jesus Christ. The deaf have been treated as cursed and of no value. We seek to incorporate the hearing community and the deaf community into one congregation, bringing reconciliation between the two. 

What they do

Antioch is a holistic and balanced church, teaching and reaching with love and truth in practical and life changing programs to deepen and widen the believer’s walk with God.

We work with children and teens through the evangelistic Awana program and training the young adults in Christian discipleship and leadership skills, in order to raise up the next generation with a firm foundation in Christ. We equip the congregation to reach their community by sharing the gospel through street evangelism, discipling and training leadership for ministry and vocational training.

who they are

ABC-Tema opened its doors in January 2004. It is pastored by Raymond Mensah and supported by his wife Ruby and their three sons, John, David, and Isaac.